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Perfect role for the bimbo of the world...
Quote:Heathen!! George Jefferson wasn't good enough to carry Archie's 3 day old skid mark riddled underwear.

stop defending him! You're a jew! Archie hated you too!

Quote:Does it matter any that the George Jefferson character was an exact copy of the Archie Bunker character? Except the obvious skin tone difference and the subsequent changes in dialogue to fit that?

Ya know, thats a fair and solid point.

I guess its an issue of who I was more readily able to identify with back then.

however, in the Jeffersons defense - there was enough tv back then that solely cater to "dah white folk"...see what I'm getting at?

Ultimately though, touche' good sir - both were indeed bigotted characters.

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Perfect role for the bimbo of the world... - by 60FeetUnderWater - 05-24-2004, 05:27 PM

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