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you must post searching for it on a messageboard.
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
no. That's the Jays
<img src=>
OH for the love of GOD, will you get a fucking life?? It's a fucking message board!!!! If it bores you, leave, good riddance. How old are you anyway?? This is the kind of shit that children do. I apologize if I don't have your razor sharp wit but Jeeze, I have yet to see you say ANYTHING funny. So once again, so long dicksmack, I won't be missing you.
I'm not quite there yet
[Image: Riptide.jpg]
Believe the Hype, Bitch!!!!
at least someone acknowledges his razor sharp wit.

That's all he asks.

That, and that you treat me like a deity.
<img src=>
So does this make Arpi the white mans Lent ???
[Image: zoolander1.jpg]

[marquee]The trouble with the world is everybody in it is 3 drinks behind - Humphrey Bogart[/marquee]
his razor sharp wit would be better served from some parental attention. he's starving for it.
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
I bet the person he chatted with is Alkey.
[Image: hurricanecharley.jpg]
I was thinking Froy
[Image: zoolander1.jpg]

[marquee]The trouble with the world is everybody in it is 3 drinks behind - Humphrey Bogart[/marquee]
Quote:arpi:there you go. its where all the <s>hacks</s> <b>MARTYRS</b> who couldnt handle cdih go to hang out
i posted there for 2 days and i am already bored
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by GMANN
I was thinking Froy

or someone INCOGNITO Wink
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]

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