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groin pains...
Quote:excellent. see? this is good healthy discussion. I feel warm and fuzzy.

Well you should. Since it is a question about this board or even this one and the last board together, it is a thought provoking topic that should get a good response.
I've learn that I am funnier in person than on any message board.
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Quote:Originally posted by Ronin
I've learn that I am funnier in person than on any message board.

Ive learned the opposite of this is also true. That someone who is funny as hell on a board can be as boring as watching paint dry.
Quote:Originally posted by Buttmunch
Message Boards suck.

Only losers, geeks and shut-ins frequent them.

I learned that.

I learned that Buttmunch's sig pic is hypnotic
[Image: molonlavecopy.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by Crackle
I learned that Buttmunch's sig pic is hypnotic

And HydratedPeach's sigs.. those are SWEEEEEET..
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I've experienced that once you meet someone in person, you read their posts a little bit differently after that.

for better or for worse.

Some folks who I thought I disliked turned out to be pretty cool people in real life and others, know the opposite.

However, it's refreshing when you get along with someone online and then you end up hangin' with them and you get along with them in real life just as well as you did online...that's a beautiful thing IMO.
Quote:However, it's refreshing when you get along with someone online and then you end up hangin' with them and you get along with them in real life just as well as you did online...that's a beautiful thing

it is, when it does happen. doesn't always...but sometime it does.
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
I have hated everyone I ever met from these boards.
Quote:Originally posted by KensPen
I have hated everyone I ever met from these boards.

liar. Rolleyes
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
it's true, true I say!!!

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