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I am fuckin sick of this....
I think "getting over himself" would mean he's full of himself.... he's kinda the opposite.....

I can't quite get why you won't just cut your losses, why you can't make yourself do it, if he's causing you this much pain.

Worst part is, you had the opportunity, you even told him off, and then you caved. That's what I really don't get. You were at the door, the door was open, and all but one foot was through..... then you went back.
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its easy to say one thing but to actually go through with it is hard, especially when you think you care for someone.

but lately i have been thinking and i have realized that i do have to cut my losses, there was a time where i would have fun with this person. but feelings got involved and things just fell apart...shit happens and you move on and that's what i have finally done. it sucks i have lost a friend, but friends come and go.
Youre just so weak. Its sad.

[Image: zoolander1.jpg]

[marquee]The trouble with the world is everybody in it is 3 drinks behind - Humphrey Bogart[/marquee]
Quote:Originally posted by AngelAmy
ive never regret meeting someone like i feel right now. i just wish it would all go away and i somehow block the past few months from my memory because it has been an emotional rollercoster and the only thing keeping me from truly being 100% happy and i deserve better than alll this.

sometimes in life we gotta go through bullshit like this.

If the sun shined every day, would you still appreciate it?

Unfortunately, its' gotta rain sometimes.

just LEARN from all of this. Learn about yourself, about the things you will choose to tolerate or no longer tolerate. at least...try to...otherwise...

you suffered for nothing. make this whole "event" work FOR you. Wink
i know it was the right thing to do for my sake, but i still feel like shit about it.

and george dont even get me started on who is the weaker one of us buster

Sounds like I went through a similar situation when I was a young lad. If your worried about losing the friendship you had before, once you get into a relationship with a friend, the friendship is over one way or another. It's VERY rare that you could ever go back to being friends after bodily fluids are exchanged, and even in those rare instances, it's never the same.

Sounds like you have the right idea though. Cut your loses and move on. Easier said than done...Yes. But you already know that it will be better for you in the long run and knowing is half the battle.

Good luck with it.
Quote:Originally posted by BARRY MANILOW knowing is half the battle.

Yo Joe!!
I dunno, but it seems to me that this is something that can be easily corrected by a visit to the gentleman's home with a sawn-off shotgun...A few well-placed shots and you'll be feeling better in no time, Amy...
Keeper of the chatroom flame...
i dont feel like winding up in dyke prison
Quote:Originally posted by AngelAmy
i dont feel like winding up in dyke prison

well there will be no lack of action
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