Poll: softball, we need a date
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softball, we need a date
no one said anything about a free ride but the people that plan these things should ... Plan them.
Sure people have brought stuff for others but the BYOS rule always goes I think. as far as the field I don't know if in the past they were reserved or not. I can't say but if people want people to chip in they should just come out and ask and not pussy foot around the subject.
<center><img src="http://scripts.cgispy.com/image.cgi?u=BlackLazerus2"></center></b>
That's my point. I think that it's great that people are saying "I'd be happy to chip in", but people should also realize that nothing comes free and they should EXPECT to chip in if they're going to attend. There could always be a set charge and whatever is raised over and above could be refunded, or given away as a prize or something. It's not fair though if, say, only 10 people chip in for the field.
<center><img src="http://members.hometown.aol.com/_ht_a/oabrokenjaw/images/plutogrowl.gif" border="0"></center>
Quote:Originally posted by sweet angel
That's my point. I think that it's great that people are saying \"I'd be happy to chip in\", but people should also realize that nothing comes free and they should EXPECT to chip in if they're going to attend. There could always be a set charge and whatever is raised over and above could be refunded, or given away as a prize or something. It's not fair though if, say, only 10 people chip in for the field.

How about this since you are not coming or contributing anything how about you keep you opinions to yourself. If you want to lecture someone you have kids give them that speech. Like I said before I don't know if people chipped in for a field before i have never been asked. I think this is the same thing that happened at that 20 buck party.
If it's a requirement to chip in for the field to play it should have been said in the beginning.
<center><img src="http://scripts.cgispy.com/image.cgi?u=BlackLazerus2"></center></b>
Quote:If it's a requirement to chip in for the field to play it should have been said in the beginning.
Yeah, in a perfect world. Also in a perfect world it would follow that people would EXPECT to chip in.

But I'll be a good girl and keep quiet.
<center><img src="http://members.hometown.aol.com/_ht_a/oabrokenjaw/images/plutogrowl.gif" border="0"></center>
The field was always reserved, whoever comes foward and wants to honestly get the field for us, hey that's their choice, im sure someone else might have done it but good job to said person.

As far as people bringing stuff, Sweet, have you ever been to one of these things? There's always a thread asking what everyone is bringing prior to the actual game and we always have tons of shit leftover when we're done. There's no problem in that area when it comes down to this shiit.

If the person who is getting the field doesn't want to bring anything aside fromt he pay stub for the check he wrote to get the field then fine. I don't expect them to bring anything, and if they want to be reimbursed for the field then......ok, im sure we could swing that too. providing everyone chips in a fiver or so.
<center><img src="http://scripts.cgispy.com/image.cgi?u=ymb">
PS- I've never been asked, nor has it EVER been implied in ANY thread or the actual field that the attendees are supposed to reimburse the money back to the person who got the field. In fact i dont know why people are even discussing it here.

usually the person who steps up to aquire the field pays for the field by themselves without asking for a handout or paymeback.

The way you're making it come across Sweet, makes me lose all interest in even going to the fucking game now.
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so i guess Laz is certainly coming since he feels the need to keep rambling over the same points
[Image: saturday123.jpg]
It's always funny until someone gets hurt, and then it's just hilarious
i'll bring $50 and some pot and some beer, as long as somebody feeds me, i have no problem giving 50 for the field.
[Image: saturday123.jpg]
It's always funny until someone gets hurt, and then it's just hilarious
Pot & beer?!!?
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that is what i bring everytime.
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