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If you could get away with:
Murder, who would you kill?

Grand theft, what would you steal?

Rape, who would you do?
A billion dollars
Rape is an act of violence and a desire for destruction, not a forceful act of sex/desire. I would like to destroy Britney Spears like/career.
<img src="">

<center>Boy the way Glen Miller played,
songs that made the hit parade,
guys like us we had it made,
those were the days,
and you know where you were then,
girls were girls and men were men,
mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again,
didn't need no welfare states
everybody pulled his weight,
gee our old Lasalle ran great,
those were the days!</center>
Quote:Originally posted by KensPen
Murder, who would you kill?

Grand theft, what would you steal?

Rape, who would you do?

I'd kill Osama

I'd steal Mel Gibson's battle-axe in Patriot

As for raping, I don't need to, I'm adoreable enough to score with folks who drink bloody mary's.
<IMG SRC="">

<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>The digital pimp, hard at work...</marquee>
Quote:Originally posted by KensPen
Murder, who would you kill?

Grand theft, what would you steal?

Rape, who would you do?

You just described a fun filled Saturday night for me.
<center><img src=""></center></b>
ok, pretend you were white, and answer this thread.
I invented the, the "Who would you kill, who would you fuck, who would you marry" game. Hoo Hoo
1-everyone that thinks im a dumb fuck (about 6 billion people).
2-I'd steal a fighter plane.
3-I'd rape ????? betty page but I think she'd like it.
Quote:Murder, who would you kill?

Grand theft, what would you steal?

Rape, who would you do?
The first thought I had for murder was Jewel, I can't stand her, but I'm guessing that I won't have the opportunity to run into her, so I think I'd have to pick at least one of the goddamn stuck up jewish women that eat at the restaurant i work at.
I'd probably rob a bank, money is the one thing I need the most right now.
And I wish rape was legal, maybe it would actually happen to me.
[Image: 2girls.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by KensPen
ok, pretend you were white, and answer this thread.

Kill: it would be Eminem.

Steal: Rob a Raper for all his shines yo.

Rape: Sade or Tyra Banks or RapeF (but only in a blond wig)
<center><img src=""></center></b>
Quote:Murder, who would you kill?
the entire Stinkees organization; from Steinbrenner on down. I'd lock them all in their precious clubhouse and set that whole fuckin' stadium on fire.

[Sato] Their trophies...their rings...everything...GONE!

Quote:Grand theft, what would you steal?

hmmm....either a fully decked out convertible Kompressor or BMW.

Quote:Rape, who would you do?

eh, I don't do rape.

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