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Quote:Originally posted by The Brain
Quote:4. He showed up at my apt with a knife, ready to kill me and my new bf. Now, that sounds rather dramatic, but he was harmless, and he wouldn't have hurt a fly, but he was still a stalker.
You considered <i>that</i> to be "harmless" actions? Sounds like the guy was a ticking time bomb. :o

You had to know him, he was extremely dramatic, but he really wasn't dangerous. And see? I was right, I'm still here Big Grin
I had a friend in college who's boyfriend used to smack her around. When she had finally had enough of it, she broke up with him. She came home one night to find all the lightbulbs in her apartment broken and him waiting inside. He made her sit and watch while he attempted to kill himself.

She ended up moving away in the middle of the night. It took ME years to find her...she just dropped off the face of the earth.

Turns out, once she moved, he broke into her former apartment (not knowing she had moved out) and raped the girl who was unfortunate enough to live in her old room.
&lt;center&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;; border=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;/center&gt;
I wonder if anyone got my post or is everyone ignoring my stupity...damn I just answerd my own question.
I think of someone as a stalker in real life to be sort've like Robin Williams was in 60 Minute Photo. Following you around, getting to know your moves, going into your house while you're out (and taking a dump there while you're at it), to trying to catch your cheating husband in bed and on film with another woman who happened to notice among the millions of photographs he processed a connection.

Simply put, I think most stalkers are lonely obsessive people who have nothing else to do and latch on to someone that seems somewhat positive in their lives. Usually they try to follow people without their knowledge, some are dangerous and I would imagine that some harmless.
&lt;IMG SRC=&quot;;&gt;

&lt;marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30&gt;The digital pimp, hard at work...&lt;/marquee&gt;
Quote:Originally posted by reefdwella
Simply put, I think most stalkers are lonely obsessive people who have nothing else to do and latch on to someone that seems somewhat positive in their lives. Usually they try to follow people without their knowledge, some are dangerous and I would imagine that some harmless.
but goddamn do we know how to fuck!

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