Quote:Originally posted by Gonzo
I have not said a word nor have I started any shit, if you want you own site fine. If you don't like mine, fine. My feeling was that a site is what the members made of it, I have never enforced many rules, I let the people run the site. If people wanna take personal shit between eachother that really had nothing to do with the board and leave, then act like they left for board reasons, so be it.
But a word to the wise, leave me out of it.
Calling it the hole isnt different either, I just have two cells in a forum I call the hole.
Well, ok, you're right, weak attempt at humor on that one.
Wasn't a personal attack.
It's just my opinion, but I think that CDIH got much less fun when these asses began to overrun the board with bullshit threads, and that's when I stopped caring about the place.
As Alkey and I are running this place, I'd rather not stop caring about our own place, a place that I've spent hours upon hours working on, as you have over there.
You're running shit the way you want, same is being done here. Those ways aren't the same.
I do feel safe in suggesting that anyone who does not care for the way things are being run here, should remain over there.
But presenting the link in a negative light was crossing a line, so I'm sorry for that, and I only posted again in this thread out of respect for you, cause you know I do respect you dude.
(Edited in the quote - and by the way, I just didn't want the Hole to be so blatant a rip-off of the Cell, but I think we all fuckin know it wasn't an original idea, and I never claimed it was. It's just a GOOD one.)
<center><img src="http://www.yourmomsbox.net/ftl/ftl-oldtimey.gif"></center>