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Small Portions...what's up with that shit???
I'm hanging out with friends at a restaurant last night and I order a steak, I was in a good steak mood. They bring me out this piece of meat the size of a silver dollar. What the fuck?????

I hate when these places do shit like that. :fire::mad::fire::mad:
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<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>The digital pimp, hard at work...</marquee>
listen, Sizzler's $7.95 steak special just isn't all that.

and if it's a good place, it depends on the cut of meat.
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by GreasyItalianPrincess
listen, Sizzler's $7.95 steak special just isn't all that.

and if it's a good place, it depends on the cut of meat.

Are Sizzlers around anymore? I wouldn't even think of going there.
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<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>The digital pimp, hard at work...</marquee>
You forget, it's all about the presentation. How your tiny steak looks so beautiful on its plate.

Frankly when I get a steak I prefer not to see the plate at all, meat hanging over the edges. Luckily their are still plenty of restaurants that serve big portions that taste good.
Quote:[i]Frankly when I get a steak I prefer not to see the plate at all, meat hanging over the edges. Luckily their are still plenty of restaurants that serve big portions that taste good.

That's what I was hoping for, but you never know what you're gonna get when you go somewhere new.
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<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>The digital pimp, hard at work...</marquee>
next time order a porterhouse
[Image: saturday123.jpg]
It's always funny until someone gets hurt, and then it's just hilarious
Quote:Originally posted by Crack Hitler
next time order a porterhouse

I'm just glad no one suggested a tube steak.
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<marquee behavior=alternate scrolldelay=30>The digital pimp, hard at work...</marquee>

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