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Ken's Lunch Thread........
This thread is dedicated and shall focus on the ever elusive and complicated proposition of having lunch with Ken...

Today we shall look into negotiations of Ken having lunch with GIP....

GIP wants to have lunch with Ken,
BUT, GIP is unwilling to go to NJ, instead choosing to add the stipulation said lunch must be in NYC.

Suzie has asked to be at said lunch, but only if GIP is there, she expresses no desire to eat lunch with me unsupervised.

To that I think she shows prudence,
but my counter offer is that Suzie can come ONLY if she brings Ninny with her.

Location of lunch still being negotiated.
NYC: right outside Penn Station (near Lincoln Tunnel), is not that far. Smile

Lunch with GIP & Suzie can be yours, if you can make it over there. :kiss:
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
but a trek that far would take at least an afternoon, to get in, dine and get back,
my office would frown upon it,
hence my dillema.
well, i can't meet for lunch at all next week anyway, nor dinner, as such. I have Annual Meeting of our companies global offices in NYC. Thurs eve is about my only opening. Otherwise, our negotiations will have to reconvene after next week.
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
we can't have lunch in the evening....

that goes against the very nature of lunch.
how about linner, or dunch?
Dammit, I knew I should have made that left turn at Albequerque
On an aside:
which is no way to indicate a permanent derivation from the stated topic title, which would in fact result in the deletion of this thread.....

Metal, you have not said "fuck you Ken" in ages, I am beginning to think you don't care.....
it's time for you to break out of the lunch box, kennypoo. if lunch during office hours is impossible, then you need to expand your parameters.
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
I am afraid......
eschew tradition. Let us have a nighttime lunch.

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