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buying out my lease - refinancing my ride...
Quote:Originally posted by Six-Pack
Do you hate yourself that much that you would deal with car salesmen twice on the same car?

I see it this way:

I can use him...against him. I can play the angle of "look, I KNOW I gave you a sweet deal when I leased this car - now it's YOUR TURN to do right by me."

I am soooooo looking forward to being a prick to this guy...AND getting what I want. :bouncy:

Quote:Originally posted by Sloats
What I am saying is that the money you poured into it, is not nearly as much as it should have been had you desired to buy the car. A $300 Lease would be a $400 Loan for the same period.

and I don't disagree with you there - it's just that, at the time, leasing was pretty much my only option.

and if I was "mortgaging it" this whole time, I would be that much closer to owning the car - which is what I ultimately would like to do.

Leasing stinks. (it's just that I couldn't afford to finance at the I said, long story as to why...)
Quote:I can use him...against him. I can play the angle of \"look, I KNOW I gave you a sweet deal when I leased this car - now it's YOUR TURN to do right by me.\"

I am soooooo looking forward to being a prick to this guy...AND getting what I want.


As long as you still have those pics of him anally intruding that 4 year old boy.

Even then, he'd be more apt to hire a swat team to get them back than give you a fair price on the car..
Quote:As long as you still have those pics of him anally intruding that 4 year old boy.

Even then, he'd be more apt to hire a swat team to get them back than give you a fair price on the car..


Damn, I knew I shouldn't have but I HAD TO throw those pics out...

my nephew would have never forgiven me if I hadn't done so.

My two cents, since I've never leased a car...

Make sure you do the research on the used value of your car. I doubt that the fact that you've paid the lease payments all this time means jack shit to the salesman.

If you turn in the car, won't they in turn sell if as a "used" vehicle?

I never understood the whole idea of leasing and then buying out the lease (unless you were paying cash). It seems silly to me to finance the car twice.

All that being said, the only advice I could offer would be to do your homework on your car's worth, don't make any snap decisions, and be prepared to walk away if the salesman is an asshole (which you indicate he is) with nothing to show for the past however many years.

Good luck.
<center><img src="" border="0"></center>
thanks for the GL wishes, SA.

Well, I went and we discussed things - what a prick. Guy tries to tell me the value of my car is currently X when the true value was $1000 under "X". (determined this morning after calling the leasing company.)

that prick.

Well, jokes on him. I'm supposed to see him again on Saturday at around 4pm with my final decision as to whether or not I'll be buying out my car or financing this one particular 2003 model...

However, I already made an appointment to talk to a rival dealer of the same brand that I drive so...HA, Jim (name of scumbag salesman)! YOU STINK!


Jim - you will give me what I want; I will make you my bitch on Saturday or...I will simply walk away. :kiss:
What, a car dealer trying to screw you over twice?? no, go on....

Screw is an inappropriate term. I meant "looking out for the interest of his employer over your interests."
<img src="">

<center>Boy the way Glen Miller played,
songs that made the hit parade,
guys like us we had it made,
those were the days,
and you know where you were then,
girls were girls and men were men,
mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again,
didn't need no welfare states
everybody pulled his weight,
gee our old Lasalle ran great,
those were the days!</center>
Quote:Originally posted by Sloats
What, a car dealer trying to screw you over twice?? no, go on....

I know...I me naive I guess.

It's not like I was "surprised" by it but damn - this idiot thought I was just another fool.


Quote:Screw is an inappropriate term. I meant \"looking out for the interest of his employer over your interests.\"



I see....

Are YOU a car salesman? :o

nope, I just try to see things from multi-perspectives and not be egocentric. Searching for those WIN-WIN situations.

By using the term egocentric, I'm not saying that you are self centered, I'm just saying people tend to view things from their own perspective.
<img src="">

<center>Boy the way Glen Miller played,
songs that made the hit parade,
guys like us we had it made,
those were the days,
and you know where you were then,
girls were girls and men were men,
mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again,
didn't need no welfare states
everybody pulled his weight,
gee our old Lasalle ran great,
those were the days!</center>
Quote:By using the term egocentric, I'm not saying that you are self centered, I'm just saying people tend to view things from their own perspective.

I appreciate the disclaimer.

I too try to look at things from multiple angles; from "half full" to "half empty" to "who really gives a fuck"...

It's just that when I'm in that dealership - it's game time for me... I can't allow these folks to lead me astray from my goal - buy a car at a FAIR price.

You have to be "self centered" in there otherwise, you buckle under thier tactics and you walk away thinking you got a great deal when in fact, you did not.

It's funny - everytime Jimmy got up to "discuss things with the boss" or "look into that for ya" I found myself, sitting at his desk, reminding myself to "keep the game face on"...

No mercy! No retreat! NO surrrender!

(whoa, got a lil' carried away there...)

anyhoo...basically, what I'm typing in here IS indeed "all about me", I know this. I'm typing and asking about what I should do and such...

This "buying a car" crap truely does stink though I must say. To think that this won't be the last time that I'll find myself "in the trenches" looking for a FAIR DEAL.


During last nights' "negotiations", I said things to Jim like:

"Look, I know it's your job to sell me a car...I know YOU have bills to pay...but so do I."

"Awww...c'mon Jim...I know we can do better than $xxxxx, can't we?"

"Nope, stop it right there Jim - I told you, I am NOT going into another lease."

What I learned last night is this:

Buying a car is nothing more than a competiton on who can be the bigger prick to the other and STILL get what they want out of the negotiations...

You know, there should be a "Dealing with Car Salesmen For Dummies" book..

wait, does one exist? :o

[goes off to search the 'net...]

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