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Kobe arrested(insert OZ theme here)
For all you Lakers Haters out there, this one is too good to be true. Here's the link to the story Kobe In the slammer

Or if youre too lazy to read it. Here's a brief synopsis. On June 30 in Vail he :ALLEGEDLY: sexually assaulted a woman who was not his wife :veiled shock: and is reportedly 19 YEARS OLD:wow: No further details on the attack are out yet (pending a shitload of cash being delievered to the young lady, of course). He warrant for his arrest was made on July 4, and he turned himself in. His agent posted his $25,000 bail and he was released. Police are considering pressing charges (ie. if Kobe and the chick can't agree on how much cash should be sent to keep her trap shut). His agent, of course, claims he is innocent. No role for his agent in the pay-off negotiations has yet to be announced.

Can't wait to see the pic on the smoking gun.
Good, I hate the Lakers and I hate the whole west coast. Now if only that whale of a man Shaq could die or something.
Good morning heartache, your like an old friend, come and see me again - Rancid

Life's a train i barely caught just to find out i ain't got the fare. -Bouncing Souls

"You are not alive yesterday, you are not alive tommorrow, but youre alive at the moment; if you can grab something for that have a chance." - Johnny X
I guess sexual assualt works nicely in the off season traning program.

I hate that fucking prick.
[Image: jets.jpg]  

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