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Hey Fat Boy
Way to tell it straight Laz. Those were some of the meanest things I have ever heard in my life. Don't get me wrong, it ruled and all, but wow. And yeah, carry on, I have no other comments in this issue. I don't even get the argument to begin with.
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My, Laz, you seem to have a lot of anger. You're trying to prove yourself a big man, and as always, coming up just a little bit short.

You go through my blog, trying to find as much ammunition as you could. TRYING, as hard as you can, to take me down.

Didn't work. Why? Because about 90 percent of what you just blathered about is just flat-out wrong.

Seriously, do you really think if my life was that fucked up I'd put it out there for everyone to read? There's a reason why it's public, you moron. It's not like it's some well hidden secret.

AND you pulled out the old standby, "stalking board females" card. Holy shit! That's impressive. Name one. I'm begging you. Name one. Name an incident.

You seem to have a lot of pent-up misdirected rage. Not only that, you are astoundingly unfunny and quite honestly, boring to play with. You also seem like a mysogynist to boot.

BTW, Laz... who is more pathetic... me for just sitting here, not really doing all the research on you other than the GIS... or you for going back AT LEAST SIX FUCKING MONTHS ON MY BLOG?
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there is no need for me to prove that i am the big man.

Dude you calling me unfunny is like Gip calling you fat.
I don't have misdirected rage. It is very focused.

What did i hurt your gentle sensibilities. I guess From your reply that I am about 90% correct in all of my assumptions.
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Quote:Originally posted by Black Lazerus

I don't have misdirected rage. It is very focused.

Then why did you even start this in the first place?

Quote:What did i hurt your gentle sensibilities. I guess From your reply that I am about 90% correct in all of my assumptions.

How would you want me to respond? Try to rationally explain everything? Threaten to slit your throat for even half the implications you made? Either way I lose.

I see that you backed off on calling me fat and tried attacking my girlfriend instead. What's the point in that?
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Obese means fat retard.
You don't have the rocks to threaten me.
I didn't attack her I just made some careful assumptions.
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When you make an assumption, you make an ass out of u and mption.
Wait, that doesn't sound right.
<center>[Image: FOM.jpg]</center>
Quote:Originally posted by Black Lazerus
Obese means fat retard.
You don't have the rocks to threaten me.
I didn't attack her I just made some careful assumptions.

Bitch, you already threatened to kick my ass and I fucking laughed at you...

Oh wait, NOW I see where this is coming from.

Trust me, if I ever felt like congregating with message board folk again, your e-toughness would melt like a block of ice. You probably talk a big game, and that's all well and good. But I'm curious to see how well it would stand up if I was in your face.
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You don't know me very well. I can't possibly be afraid of a guy that carries a ray gun. The shit in my status isn't bullshit. If you feel that strongly about it Im/PM me pussy. But I suggest you check your sources before you get your ass kicked. I ain't no R/F, you bark up this tree and it will fall on you.
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You crave validation and acceptance... so you go after what you think will be an easy target... me.

Only problem is, I don't know you, and to be honest, I'm not going to do the research to find out what makes you tick.

You think you might have trumped me... but in reality, you fucking sicken me. You went for nothing but the lowest common denominator, and not only that, dragged in people who didn't need to be involved just to squeeze that extra bit of validation out.

Fine. Take in your validation. I hope you wear your badge proudly. You "got me good"... and you can proclaim yourself MESSAGE BOARD CHAMPION...

... and you're still the most pathetic piece of shit I've ever seen.
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Quote:Originally posted by Black Lazerus
The shit in my status isn't bullshit. If you feel that strongly about it Im/PM me pussy. .

Wait, wait, wait....


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