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More cool websites
I am staying late again tonight.. Anyone suggest any cool website I could look through...
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try this.......
pretty funny

Lots of cool sites suggested in this thread.
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Is that you on the front? You and Arpi? Wow.. you two are "close".

toronto, those aren't that great..

I am at work too.. so I can't go to these site here... come on people.. give me some clean sites..

like this one
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does anyone have any suggestions??
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how bout you go fuck yourself.......

how's that for a suggestion.

damn ken.. and i am the one that never picked on you... all gloves are off now.. :fire:
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Big Grin
heres a few things i have bookmarked

drudge report for some news
crime library
a very detailed site about world history
a ping pong game...who doesnt love ping pong?
the super friends
party! its peanut butter and jelly time!
Jump The Shark - Chronicling the Moments of When TV Shows go Downhill
Urban Legends
homestar runner
angry naked pat...just go
Good morning heartache, your like an old friend, come and see me again - Rancid

Life's a train i barely caught just to find out i ain't got the fare. -Bouncing Souls

"You are not alive yesterday, you are not alive tommorrow, but youre alive at the moment; if you can grab something for that have a chance." - Johnny X

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