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Thoughts for the Day
yeah right, like she'd want to live in Canada BWAAHAHAAHHAHAHHAHAH

im bored, and the only one logged in......i also like bananas
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hey, i'm logged in too :bouncy:

and i'm happy that i can finally receive all my cable channels even though I can't get the HD channels because Cablevision's equipment sucks :fire:
Heyyy! I have satellite and it's down right now too. It's raining like a bitch and storming here though.
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i have digital cable, so thats kinda cool, if only i used it, i spend way to much time sitting in front of my computer
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i am so incredably bored.....can someone please just kill me now.....
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Quote:Originally posted by vampchick
i am so incredably bored.....can someone please just kill me now.....

preferred method?
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1. everytime i see six-packs sig pic, i get a warm fussy feelin inside :kiss:

2. would anyone like to volunteer to make me a cute sig pic with MY name on it?Angel
im clueless, but i wanna be with the "in" crowd .. anyone? anyone?

3. hottie, you make me raff :lol: and you rock my world .. only you girly would come up with a thread like this! i (heart) you!

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