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My Vacation...
[Image: beach1.jpg]

I need a vacation. I need a vacation from humanity, and all that hypocritical bullshit that floats along with it. I need a vacation from the backstabbing, sublimating of guilt on to others, anger, loathing, rationalization, willingly being maniuplated by one while blaming another, sadly ironic, heartwrenchingly difficult to watch, and simply sometimes just too painful. I wish I could just tear out my eyes, my heart, my brain, instead of watching it all.

I need a break.

I need a beach...a beach where peoples piles of hurts and baggage are left back at the hotel, maybe even left back on the mainland. I need a place where drinks are served without tears, fears, guilt, or resentment. Where one can lay, listening to the ocean, and know that nothing careens from a blindside, or something does not fester unwatched.

People are invited, but not their scars, hurts, issues...where on that beach, we can simply lay about, drink, chat, without any concern. Not ulterior motives, agendas, or even their paranoia of that make-beleive of there being one just to think that they are someohow "that important". None of it. Just exist. Enjoy. At peace. Where laughter, experiences, and dreams can be shared.

I want to visit a place where peoples hopes and dreams are not destroyed by others blindly flailing their hurts and pain. I want a place where there is something called karma, justice, and truth. Where good things happen to good people, and where things work out for the best.

I need a vacation. I wonder what travel agent can send me to this Shangri-La. And what the cost? Because every day I don't get there, I feel deader and deader, my back heavier and heavier, and the damage I take seems to be more and more.

[Image: vacation.gif]
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
I have just the guy for you to share your experience with.

I have to warn you though, he's not much of a talker...

[Image: wilsonhairy.jpg]
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Do they take Visa? And can we still insult one another just for fun?

Do we have to tip there? 'Cause that irritates me. Are there going to be ugly chicks in thongs? That also perturbs me. Hairy men in thongs as well. (shivvvvver)

Is the infamous "money tree" and "fountain of youth" there as well? Tack me down. I'm going too.

Big Grin
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Quote:Originally posted by Hawt Baux
I have just the guy for you to share your experience with.

I have to warn you though, he's not much of a talker...

[Image: wilsonhairy.jpg]

Tom Hanks is NOT invited. No acting....NO MORE DRAMA. No way.

[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by Hawt Baux
I have just the guy for you to share your experience with.

I have to warn you though, he's not much of a talker...

[Image: wilsonhairy.jpg]



Ninny - 2
Me - 1
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[Image: hammock.jpg]

give me rest....relaxation...friendship...happy thoughts. let me be cradled by soft wind carrying warm thoughts, supportive advice, postive things. let me sleep amid the moon and stars without fearing that they will fall atop of me.

[Image: hammock.jpg]
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
[Image: hawaii-sunset-6.2.jpg]

Bring me to a place where unhappy souls do not sit and wait to pounce. Where as the sun ebbs behind the world, the darkness is not filled with scrounging scavengers bent on picking the bones of our refuse, or crumbs, or fun...where they look for material to cast aspersions, look for negatives, or fill their own emptiness.

Give me peace and quiet.
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
Is this a suicide post?

GIP honey, you're not that bad of a poster.

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[Image: TAHITI%20Postcard%20Gorgeous%20Sunset%20...oorea1.jpg]

Bring me a dawn where the day is bereft discomfort and awkward silence, where people cannot lift their hurts and pains from their chipped shoulders. Give me a dawn where there is a simple new day with new possbilities, where I look forward to what comes next.
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by Hawt Baux
Is this a suicide post?

GIP honey, you're not that bad of a poster.



stop trodding on my vacation!!!!

(hands Ninny a Pina Colada)

Drink that

(lights a giant stick of ganga)

[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]

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