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American Wedding (spoilers likely)
Anyone catch this yet?

I just saw it tonight and it was funny as hell!

Amazing that they could make a third movie and keep it funny. But they did.
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i saw it Wink, it was hilarity at its best, go see it people so i dont spoil it and blurt out all the funny shit.....tick gonna blurt soon, so consider that fair warning
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Well, I did warn about the spoilers........ go for it!
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haven't seen it yet but want to
I notice that a good 5 of the cast from the other two movies aren't listed in the casting for this movie. Is there at least some kind of explanation as to what happened to (or cameos even) Jessica, Heather, Vicky, Oz and Nadia. Not that I poarticularlly wanted to see them again but Oz seemed pretty tight with the group (Jim, Finch, etc). I just hope this film hasn't worn out its welcome and milked every last drop out of the perverbial Hollywood cock. I still want to see it though.
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Stiffler ingesting bodily fluids=always funney.

They could go all the way to American Funeral with that formula.

They found a way to make Finch funny. Go figure.

And best of all NO BITCHY TARA REID!!!!

Famous Quotes (kinda spoilers)

"Aww....Jim, all that masturbating has messed up your head."

"The mop?? Jim stuck the mop in my fanny."

Michelle- "Oh, I don't call it making love. I just call it boning."
Jim's Dad- "OK. So how does he make you feel when you're not...uh....boning."
M- "He gets me horny and makes me want to bone him."
JD- "Well, you can't bone from sunrise to sunset."
M- "Oh, you've never tried it?"
JD- "I've tried it. I've boned from sunrise straight through to after brunch."
Quote:Originally posted by fluffernutter
I notice that a good 5 of the cast from the other two movies aren't listed in the casting for this movie. Is there at least some kind of explanation as to what happened to (or cameos even) Jessica, Heather, Vicky, Oz and Nadia. Not that I poarticularlly wanted to see them again but Oz seemed pretty tight with the group (Jim, Finch, etc). I just hope this film hasn't worn out its welcome and milked every last drop out of the perverbial Hollywood cock. I still want to see it though.
There is a little bit of discussion about Nadia, but as for the others, they disappeared without a trace. I actually noticed that during the movie - actually I only noticed that Heather and Oz were gone.... Jessica was never really critical, and Vicky, well, sucked.

I just noticed something else.... NO FUCKING SHERMAN!!!

But I guess in order to have him, due to the end of AP2, you'd have to drag up Nadia stuff, and it just wasn't necessary.

I don't think the movie lost a step, even without all of those characters.

At least the MILF GUYS stuck around!

"Yes I am."
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ebert and misc other person gave it two NOTS saying it wasnt funny and was overly predictable and cringy.

looks like it should be a classic! Big Grin:bouncy:
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stiflers shit eating grin was priceless, Big Grin
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My favorite is still:

"I hate not hating you."
"Well I did fuck your mother."

It's probably best that the other characters weren't in it, because then they'd have to waste time on their stories. As is Kevin was in it and added nothing and Finch was basically trying to act like Stiffler the whole movie. Can you imagine if they had 5 other characters brining absolutely nothing to the movie?

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