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where's my forum dammit...
ok Alkey... you bastard... where's my forum??? ...i need to flex some internet power... c'mon.. make with the forum, like now :fire:
<center>[Image: 1050384746926_kitty_hammock_momo.jpg]

Raindrops on roses,
And whiskers on kittens...
what we really need is "Enemies of the Show" back. That low-life Stern is up to no good and we need a central location for the O&A Army to meet up and say mean things about him.
<center><img src=""></center>
I own a forum.

[strike]Fat lot of good it does me.[/strike] :disappointed::confused:Sad:disappointed:
<IMG SRC=""><IMG SRC="">
Butt...your sigs always rock...I'm a leg-n-ass man myself...
[Image: bringbackoa_stickersm.jpg]
fucking prick... gimme my forum... :fire:

 i can abandon it Big Grin
<center>[Image: 1050384746926_kitty_hammock_momo.jpg]

Raindrops on roses,
And whiskers on kittens...
And while you're at It, where's the "Adorable pictures of kittens" forum? Or better still, the "Best recipes for baked goods" forum?
We demand a voice, and a place for It to be heard, damnit!
You get NOTHING! You LOSE! Good day sir! You stole fizzie lifting drinks! I had to have the whole place disinfected...
<img src="">

I believe that I'm damaged, I believe that I'm wrong.
I believe my time ain't long.
Your forum is just down the road....make a left onto DO NOT ENTER highway and follow it until it turns into the WRONG WAY expressway.
[Image: hurricanecharley.jpg]

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