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Fantasy Baseball
Anyone interested in doing a league...i knwo the season has already started, but i believe we can still start one..let me know
I'm sorry, buddy. I too know what it feels like to have nobody want to play with me. You'll be alright.
yeah i figured as much, just trying to generate some interest...oh well...hopefully someone will play with me
Well... yahoo closed their registration until they do the mid-season leagues...if they do em... What did you have in mind?
<img src= "">

I was better off when I was yelling at everyone.
austin's avatar turns me on.......and im already in 3 leagues already and all of my times suck, i cant take any more punishment
I'm always up for any fantasy league, just try to make it non-pay i hate having to pay. I'll keep my eyes open to try and find a mid-season league to start. Keep ya'll posted.
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<marquee behavior=alternate><font color=yellow><font size=4>I'm never funny just get used to it</marquee></font></font>
I hadn't realized that they had closed registration on i guess we will have to wait till mid season...i will let everyone know when they open up registration
i believe i can create a mid season yahoo league now if anyone is interested let me know

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