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The Passion Of The Christ - My Review
The Passion is a movie whic focusses on the last 12 hours of Jesus. It chronicles everything from his betrayal by Judas in the garden, his confrontation and accusations of heresy by Jew leaders, his condemnation by Pilate and his torture and crucifixion.

It is beutifully shot. Cinematically I thought Mel did a good job. He concentrated alot on closeups and facial reactions. There were no really far panned shots and no screen shots which showed depth or anything, but all in all I liked the way it was filmed. The only thing I did have a problem with was the centerpeice of the movie and that was the torture scene. Alls I have to say about it is ....WOW. It was extremely brutal, and sometimes in slow motion too. Im heartless and enjoy some gore in a movie here and there.....but this made me cringe a few times. I feel Gibsons concentration of that scene brought down the flik a notch or 2......but I think he was just trying to get across the point of what "Jesus went through for our sins". The acting is well done. Jim Caveziel puts on a really good performance as Jesus. For some reason I found it hard to look at Monica Bellucci and not think of her as she was in The Matrix.
As for all the anti-semetism crap....yeah...its there. After watching this movie it made me wanna go out and Jew bash. It wasnt as bad as I expected it to be from all the media hype, but I can sorta sympathize with where Jews are coming from with this. Im expecting this movie to be the subject for rabbis and ministers to argue about for a few years.
[Image: zoolander1.jpg]

[marquee]The trouble with the world is everybody in it is 3 drinks behind - Humphrey Bogart[/marquee]
Thumbs up? Thumbs down? Not that it will decide whether I go or not.
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Thank you very much. Time to hit the theatre
I'm not quite there yet
[Image: Riptide.jpg]
Believe the Hype, Bitch!!!!
I say thumbs up. It was a good movie. I just think he concentrated to much on the violence of the movie......but then again he did direct Braveheart.

side story: during the whole torturing, crown of thorns being put on Jesus....he's carrying his cross, bleeding on the streets, some black guy a row in back of us talking with his wife. Now the whole theater is toally quiet....everyone is all solemn and shocked by the brutality of the scene. Black guy is going to his wife " damn man....thats some fucked up shit.....they beat him...he spikes sticking out of his head..." LIKE HE'S HAVING A BAD DAY!!
[Image: zoolander1.jpg]

[marquee]The trouble with the world is everybody in it is 3 drinks behind - Humphrey Bogart[/marquee]
No respect whatsoever for teh JC....He'll get his eventually.
I'm not quite there yet
[Image: Riptide.jpg]
Believe the Hype, Bitch!!!!
Its not even that.

It was just perfect....the whole scene, the crowd all quiet with shock....and me and my friends trying not to laugh at the black guy in back of us.

Another thing that struck me funny.....about 2 rows in back of us were 4 18-20yr old girls....all dressed skank-like. On the line for popcorn....tall blonde with low cut pants. Why come to this kind of movie ??? So you can be saved from your ho-like ways ??
[Image: zoolander1.jpg]

[marquee]The trouble with the world is everybody in it is 3 drinks behind - Humphrey Bogart[/marquee]
Did you eat popcorn during the film?
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*Piece of shit board and refresh button.
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Did you eat popcorn during the film?

**hehe, tool
[Image: carrottop-19200.jpg]
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