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So much for that "dry" moment.
<center>[Image: alkeysalsa.jpg]</center>
<font color=red><marquee>You ain't no motha'fuckin' bully... and I ain't bowin' to no motha'fuckin' bully... I won't allow it ain't gon' cowar to no bully, I'll be damned if I don't stand up to a bully... fight like a man and throw my hands up to a bully...</font></marquee>
i drank nothing. i smoked much!
[Image: fearloathingkewgardens.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by diceisgod
This calls for an impromptu messageboard pseudocelebrity boxing match.
Quote:Originally posted by GMANN
I agree

.....but what would we call it ???
Why, of course it would have to be.....

&lt;center&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;&lt;/center&gt;
Don't you mean <b>Your Boxing Moms</b>?
<center>[Image: alkeysalsa.jpg]</center>
<font color=red><marquee>You ain't no motha'fuckin' bully... and I ain't bowin' to no motha'fuckin' bully... I won't allow it ain't gon' cowar to no bully, I'll be damned if I don't stand up to a bully... fight like a man and throw my hands up to a bully...</font></marquee>
&lt;center&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;&lt;/center&gt;
I'm a representative of the people.
<center>[Image: alkeysalsa.jpg]</center>
<font color=red><marquee>You ain't no motha'fuckin' bully... and I ain't bowin' to no motha'fuckin' bully... I won't allow it ain't gon' cowar to no bully, I'll be damned if I don't stand up to a bully... fight like a man and throw my hands up to a bully...</font></marquee>
Quote:Originally posted by Black Lazerus
God damn it all.
Should have raped you and killed you when I had the chance you fucking snot-nosed faggot.

There is only one person I hate more than you and she's named after a fruit. Cunt

Your no man whore your greatest conquest was sh**** ****** and you stalked her.

Your lucky gonz stopped me from throwing you down the steps that night i met you.
you fucking needle dick

How's the illustrious job at Taco bell...oh wait The Olive garden.
I would rather have SUBZERO around me than you.. at least i know he's no fucking punk
If every white boy was like you i would join the Nation of Islam.
Here's a clue no one likes you.

Go the fuck away. Before I make you.

Holy shitballs batman.

Will you marry me? (ignore the sig Alkey's a DICK)
&lt;center&gt;&lt;img src=;&lt;/center&gt;
Quote:There is only one person I hate more than you and she's named after a fruit
teen tomato boys? i dunno, i'm drawing a blank here...

oh yeah, i like this fu. you should feel honoured, just don't tell arpi i posted outside of the hole...
Quote:Originally posted by Toronto Hottie
Will you marry me?
Heh, Hottie likes the dark meat.

Oh, and about the fruit cunt, I already have a pre-emptive ban policy on her. Some people do not deserve any more chances.
&lt;center&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;;&gt;&lt;/center&gt;
Never been to the dark side. I was warned once that it would ruin me for all white men. Wink

My curiousity is killing me, while I no longer have an issue with her, she was the reason I left (plus a wonderful boardfriend hooked me up with some great feeds)

WTF is behind the venom for you guys????? It's intense.
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