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Quote:Originally posted by arpikarhu
Quote:Alkey has made a \"wise choice grasshopper\" in confining your idiocy
even you cant be this stupid. nobody is this stupid.
i have said it a hundred times!!!!!

Quote:And that is F-U-N-N-Y, not F-U-N-N-E-Y, Einstein.
if you dont get a joke then dont comment on it.

Don't tell me what to do you useless fuck.

And I get it - all of it - and it all adds up to the same thing. You're a stupid ass expecting some dick-sucking that's not coming through. All pun intended.

Stay here forever please, so at least when I'm bored I have a contained idiot to tool with. You really DO provide sporting good fun in downtimes on the board. However if you're applying, you are seriously too fucking stupid to be a mod.
<center><img src=></center>
Quote:And I get it - all of it -
no, you dont. you are just lying. all of us that do get it are laughing at you right now cause we know you are lying. If you got it then you wouldnt have made your previous post. back pedaling moron.
you dont get teh funney and you never will cause you are a dunce.
[Image: karhu.jpg][Image: karhu.jpg][Image: karhu.jpg][Image: karhu.jpg][Image: karhu.jpg][Image: karhu.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by fhore twentee
ok, I have questions:

1 - if you hate being stuck in the hole and you are not truely \"confined\" therein then, why not just get out of it and post elsewhere?

2 - \"funney\" is a joke? kryst, what kind of standards do y'all have up in here?

3 - WTF is up with the god damn spelling of \"THE\" by spelling it \"teh\"?

4 - is it near the realm of possiblity that any of these questions will be answered by yourself Arpi or by another member of the \"distinguished panel\"? the forum. all will be explained
2.kryst? like you should talk?
3. what teh hell are you talking about?
[Image: karhu.jpg][Image: karhu.jpg][Image: karhu.jpg][Image: karhu.jpg][Image: karhu.jpg][Image: karhu.jpg]
Quote:Originally posted by arpikarhu
Quote:Originally posted by fhore twentee
ok, I have questions:

1 - if you hate being stuck in the hole and you are not truely \"confined\" therein then, why not just get out of it and post elsewhere?

2 - \"funney\" is a joke? kryst, what kind of standards do y'all have up in here?

3 - WTF is up with the god damn spelling of \"THE\" by spelling it \"teh\"?

4 - is it near the realm of possiblity that any of these questions will be answered by yourself Arpi or by another member of the \"distinguished panel\"? the forum. all will be explained
2.kryst? like you should talk?
3. what teh hell are you talking about?

1 - an annoying yet honest & fair answer. I have no choice but to respect that. damn it.

2-oh, you assume there is some sort of joke behind "kryst"? ah nah nah - incorrect. not the case. I just spell it that way to be "different". So there, Mr Assumin' Guy. Tongue

3-[Arnold S.]you sonuva bitch...
Quote:2-oh, you assume there is some sort of joke behind \"kryst\"? ah nah nah - incorrect. not the case. I just spell it that way to be \"different\". So there, Mr Assumin' Guy.
no, i dint think there was a joke behind it. merely using it to illustrate the irony in your question.
[Image: karhu.jpg][Image: karhu.jpg][Image: karhu.jpg][Image: karhu.jpg][Image: karhu.jpg][Image: karhu.jpg]

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