09-15-2003, 03:18 AM
That's right fuckos, We want another get together with you guys. The place that has been picked(subject to change if better ideas are suggested with information regarding said location) is Planet Hollywood.
If anyone is REALLY interested in making this happen then please show support here.
Hopefully this will go down by Earl/Mid October but a specific date must be set and by doing that we need to compromise on one that is within agreeance to us all, not just a select few. As we are hoping that many will be able to make it out to ensure the night be more enjoyable for everyone.
The only downside with Planet Hollywood is that it closes at 1am and by this bunch we gather that if we're going to be out on the town our night is not going to end that early.
This is where you all come into play again, any ideas as to where we could go(which should be fairly easy seeing as P.H. is in the middle of Times Square) from 1am and on would be greatly appreciated.
*Please note that Planet Hollywood allows minors in without carding and that whatever place is suggested for after closing would be the same.
We'd like everyone to STAY TOGETHER in the move from 1am on and not branch out into select groups. We want to hangout together not in sects and factions thankyouverymuch.
This is a GROUP activity we expect GROUP effort in making it happen.
<b>**Anyone who defiles this thread(purposely or not) will spend 2 days in The Hole.**
This Will NOT turn into another clusterfuck of a thread like Alkeys Baseball Thread did.</b>
If anyone is REALLY interested in making this happen then please show support here.
Hopefully this will go down by Earl/Mid October but a specific date must be set and by doing that we need to compromise on one that is within agreeance to us all, not just a select few. As we are hoping that many will be able to make it out to ensure the night be more enjoyable for everyone.
The only downside with Planet Hollywood is that it closes at 1am and by this bunch we gather that if we're going to be out on the town our night is not going to end that early.
This is where you all come into play again, any ideas as to where we could go(which should be fairly easy seeing as P.H. is in the middle of Times Square) from 1am and on would be greatly appreciated.
*Please note that Planet Hollywood allows minors in without carding and that whatever place is suggested for after closing would be the same.
We'd like everyone to STAY TOGETHER in the move from 1am on and not branch out into select groups. We want to hangout together not in sects and factions thankyouverymuch.
This is a GROUP activity we expect GROUP effort in making it happen.
<b>**Anyone who defiles this thread(purposely or not) will spend 2 days in The Hole.**
This Will NOT turn into another clusterfuck of a thread like Alkeys Baseball Thread did.</b>
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