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I hate my car insurance.. i had an accident in 01/00 (with another insurance company) and then 10/03.. so my car insurance said "we don't like you anymore so we are not renewing your policy".. they have the option if you have 2 accidents within 3 years, they don't have to renew.. for my 10/03 accident, they rolled over and died and became a bitch.. i told them to fight since it wasn't totally my fault.. but they just went belly up..

so i tried to complain saying it wasn't 3 years technically.. so my agent said "try njcure". i remember O&A advertised for them but i thought it was only for people in serious trouble.. so I called, filled out the form, and now I am getting a policy about $800 cheaper than my original policy!!!

NJ CURE RULES!!! Encompass, you suck!
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Same limits and deductibles?
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yeah!! i made sure of that..

why NJCURE is so low:

NJ CURE does not use any agents or brokers, so it completely eliminates the "middleman." By eliminating the large expense of commissions, NJ CURE is able to pass the savings directly to its members (policyholders).

All claims and service requests are handled within NJ CURE's centrally-located Princeton office, so the service you can count on is direct, efficient and friendly.


Unlike the premium charges of most insurance companies, NJ CURE premium charges do not contemplate making "profits" from the members of the Exchange.


NJ CURE's structure requires no outside investors. Hence, the need to generate profits for outside investors is eliminated, and only NJ CURE members can benefit from the savings derived from its operation.
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I wonder if they're cheaper than NJ Manufacturers?
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it pretty quick to get a quote.. you can call and it takes like 5-7 minutes to answer all the questions and they give you an estimate on the phone! it was pretty good..
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Do they insure good drivers as well?
yeah. they are a normal insurance company, only based in NJ.. that's why they are so cheap..

it seems alot of insurance companies are selling their books to people because it doesn't pay. out of state insurance companies are losing money.
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It may be cheap to get, but what's their response when you get a ticket or have an accident.

I've had NJ Manufacturers for years. Once spun out on ice (only damaged my car and my pride) and once got rear-ended by a bitch-whore while stopped in traffic. Both times everything was settled within days, and my rates never went up
did you report the accidents to your insurance company? Or did the other parties insurance comapny pay you directly?

well, the second accident wasn't your fault, so it shouldn't go up since the other parties insurance paid for it..

And it's hard to believe that your insurance company didn't go up because you slipped on ice.. unless you weren't speeding or anything.. if it was just a freak of nature, i guess it wouldn't go up..

Is NJ Manufacturers a NJ based company also?
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From what I always understood, NJM is only available to certain groups of people. For example, you need to work for an employer who offers it. Don't know if that still stands though.
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