Watch excerpts from Senator Bryd's speech on Condolezza Rice. For some reason when he says "myths" at 19:50 of this speech I laughed real hard and kept rewinding it up to the part where he starts coughing. But anyway this is a brilliant speech and he just rips her and Bush apart. Afterward there's also a great press conference/speech by investigative reporter Seymour Hersh.
his "myths" hand gesture is like "I-dentical" in My Cousin Vinny
He looks like a big Muppet so nobody takes him seriously even when he makes sense.
I think you may have exaggerated just a smidge in your topic title.
it would be funny if his words werent so sadly true
I just dont care anymore about Bush. We had a chance to do something about it, and everyone fucked up and got him re-elected. ANny whining or bitching now is just useless, so I'd rather put my focus on getting laid more rather than contemplate how much our government fucks us over.
i like your attitude young man