Full Version: I just bought contacts - and now I'm afraid
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I jst bought contacts, and now I'm afraid of when I had to take them out, and put them back in tomorrow. When I went to go pick these bad boys up, I was all giddy at how sexy my beautiful blue eyes would look now that they would be unfettered by my glasses. So, I go into the place, and tell me I need to begin my contact training class.

So, I sit in a back room, and they pop in a VHS tape from a company that really wants to let me know about their full line of various liquids that I can squirt onto my eyeballs. During the ten minute video, they spend 30 seconds on how easy it is to pop the contact in, and to take it out, all the while making sure to rinse each contact with a nice healthy dosage of the company's exclusive NO RUB formula of rinsing solution. The video ended, and I sat in my seat, ready to tear into the pack of trial contacts and get my sexy beast back out into the world for all the ladies to go gaga over.

Then, I spent the next hour trying to get these fucker in my eyes.

I started with the right eye, figuring that would be the easiest to manage. I try all sorts of ways to keep my eyelids open, but I kept losing my grip, and my eyelids would keep shutting just as soon as I got close. I dropped it a few times, had to keep rinsing, and all the while, the woman helping me sat there and had the look of "jesus christ, this kid has no coordination whatsoever" on her face.

I switched over to the left eye, since my right one was getting mad iritated. I got aggressive, and yanked down on my lower eyelid, and popped that fucker right in. I felt like I had restored my confidence in contact lens insertion. So, with one eye left to go, I returned to the matter of getting my right contact lens in.

Twenty minutes later, I had found the strength to keep my eyelids apart long enough for me to get it in. After a brief thank you to the woman, I began to stand up. At this point, she stops me, and says, "oh no, you got one more thing you gotta do for ME." Now, I had been sitting here for an hour now, with my baby blue eyes in full, unobscured view, with her getting the opportunity to gaze into my eyes, so, obviously, I thought I was going to have to lick her pussy or something. "I want to you to now remove a contact so I know you can take them out."

Ten minutes later, and my eyes all watery and red, I had completed my training, and was off to see the world as I haven't been able to see it in 8 years. WITHOUT GLASSES!

But, now, I'm afraid I won't be able to get these fuckers in or out ever again, because I needed that woman's help the whole time, and couldnt see shit even with the mirror, since my eyeballs were rolled to the back of my head most of the time. Sad
just thinking about having to put my fingers near my eyes freaks me out
Put your index finger over your top lids eyelash and hold it there then slowly slide it in, top to bottom.

I started wearing contacts over the summer for the first time in about 4 years, at first it was hard to negotiate the lense into my eye but after awhile you get the hang of it.

Also, they usually have these little rubber sticks that you put the lense on top of, and that helps you get the lense in without making it dirty from your fingers(which irritates your eye). You should go back and ask for one of those if you keep having problems getting them in.

And get cleareye eyedrops made for contact wearers, those help alot.
I need to replenish my contacts, Ive got 2 months left before I run out.
poor eyesight is a result of bad genes. you all should have been euthanised in order to help with the creation of the super race.
a great man said " the only way to treat a hemophiliac is to let him bleed to death" all you people with bad eyes, bad teeth, and wispy hands are halting our evolution.
isnt that what i just said?
Black Lazerus Wrote:a great man said " the only way to treat a hemophiliac is to let him bleed to death" all you people with bad eyes, bad teeth, and wispy hands are halting our evolution.
don't forget sickle cell anemia
Arpikarhu Wrote:isnt that what i just said?
says the man with Marfan syndrome.

Edited By Black Lazerus on 1106955105
dont get pissy cause you were late with your post and that i said it better anyway.
Black Lazerus Wrote:
Arpikarhu Wrote:isnt that what i just said?
says the man with Marfan syndrome.
nide edit, moron.

we all know that you dont have mobius syndrome cause you suck royally.
you all are giving too much shit