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Metalfan Wrote:VG gets the reference I'm sure, and that's all that matters, ya festering heap of medical waste
Well fuck you Chewy, the anal intruder stays......
Ken who pissed in your cornflakes :crackhead:
Fuck you Ladi for not knowing Pillow talk when you hear it.

Ooooops wrong thread.
but the FU stands anyway. :burnfucker:

Edited By Ken'sPen on Mar. 28 2002 at 3:30
Ken'sPen Wrote:Fuck you Ladi for not knowing Pillow talk when you hear it.

Ooooops wrong thread.
but the FU stands anyway. :burnfucker:
Forget wrong thread, you're in the wrong section.
Pillow talk belongs in the Short Bus. :lol:
Confusedpits: Now crawl!

ps.... the trying to hard is something you could change. What is VG supposed to do, chop off her legs.

Bah! Grumpy might think he had a chance if she turns up short.
Quote:How will mayrat die?

Quote:Who fuckin' cares?
Does it matter? Death is death. I missed this shit.
Hosp Wrote:Does it matter? Death is death. I missed this shit.
Yes it matters.... If you were going to be crushed to death by a steam roller, wouldn't you rather go head first, and not feet first.
Can Hops be the first of the dead weight we get rid of?
i voted for my bunghole. shit! i think i misunderstood the topic!
I want a horrible death. If it's not long and drawn out I'd be cool with anything.I'd rather go through 1 minute of being steam rolled then 5 years of cancer.

And Maynard, I just felt so insignificant with just 6 posts compared to yours. Could we please get rid of those to make me more comfortable?
Hosp Wrote:I want a horrible death. If it's not long and drawn out I'd be cool with anything.I'd rather go through 1 minute of being steam rolled then 5 years of cancer.

And Maynard, I just felt so insignificant with just 6 posts compared to yours. Could we please get rid of those to make me more comfortable?
Quote:I want a horrible death. If it's not long and drawn out I'd be cool with anything.I'd rather go through 1 minute of being steam rolled then 5 years of cancer.

you might want to read the topic title again. its not about you, attention whore!
Arpikarhu Wrote:
Hosp Wrote:I want a horrible death. If it's not long and drawn out I'd be cool with anything.I'd rather go through 1 minute of being steam rolled then 5 years of cancer.

And Maynard, I just felt so insignificant with just 6 posts compared to yours. Could we please get rid of those to make me more comfortable?
Quote:I want a horrible death. If it's not long and drawn out I'd be cool with anything.I'd rather go through 1 minute of being steam rolled then 5 years of cancer.

you might want to read the topic title again. its not about you, attention whore!
Nah, he's not a whore, just an elitist.
Arpikarhu Wrote:you might want to read the topic title again. its not about you, attention whore!
But I'm a newbie here. Aren't you guys supposed to appoint me a senior member to teach me the ways of the board because I'm not a fucking adult and can't figure shit out on my own?

Elitist? Fuck yeah!!! Why do you think I came over to the invite only board? I'm tired of dealing with those commoners.

Edited By Hosp on Mar. 28 2002 at 4:48
so when is maymay gonna die, can we buy tix
Killing Mayrat will not work. Another one will just appear.
[Image: freak27.jpg]
Maynard will never die, only the people who post under that account will.
Quote:VG gets the reference I'm sure,...

Breakfast Club

Quote:ps.... the trying to hard is something you could change. What is VG supposed to do, chop off her legs.

exactly... so fuck you ken :fuckoff:
[Image: pride.JPG]

A picture of Maymay, apparently coming out of the gay closet with his gay pride towel.

Now we know the truth. :roflmao:
"I'm not dead yet!"
I don't care how he dies, as long as its NIMBY.
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