Full Version: hollywood freddie mitchell.....
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Pages: 1 2
yes, he missed the bus.
thought so.
What the fuck is a Ho-Ho?
It's a fucking Hostess snack cake. It's all chocolate with creamy filling and probably packs 500 grams of fat. They taste good, but I wouldn't touch that shit now, I value my arteries too much..
Thank you.

We don't have that kind of shit here. We have twinkies and a few Hostess products, but not many.

The stores around here carry a lot of Little Debbie snacks though. I think that shits way to expensive for what they actually give you.

If I'm gonna be taking a couple of years off my life by eating something, I want it to at least give me joy for 15 or more minutes... not 30 seconds.
it must suck living in the sticks
Free Ron Guidry card!

[Image: hohos.jpg]
like jack hasnt eaten his weight in them
[yes, he missed the bus.]
The Eagles didn't play pitt though.
you have become an embarassment
where have you been? I've always been an embarassment.
Pages: 1 2