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I have nothing to say, but post about it anyway.
sometimes itype with my nose
sometimes I do to,
usually when I read one of your stupid posts,

actually it's more of a banging my head on the keyboard.......
that's how some dipshit member got his name here.
see this is one of those reasons that people find you annoying
crx girl Wrote:see this is one of those reasons that people find you annoying
yeah Hoon. geez..
Sometimes I get drunk
sometimes I think crx finds me annoying.
Sometimes I find crx annoying
sometimes I wish I never read certain threads.
sometimes goatweed claims to be my friend,
and sometimes he tries to make me cry.
sometimes I just call them like I see them - with no ill will intended.
Ken'sPen Wrote:sometimes I think crx finds me annoying.
not true

and i know i can be annoying but tequila can't possibly be here enough for that. maybe it's time to quit
sometimes I (apparently) think crx is talking to me,
when she's talking to Hoon.
same thing.
sometimes Arpi makes me laugh,
and sometimes I hate him....
his last post inspired the latter.
Sometimes I wonder why people hate Arpi, he's such a swell guy.
the lack of interest in my bday thread puts lie to that.
I will be 40 soon,
I dont' think about birthdays anymore.
Me either, they no longer exist in my mind.

Denial is a beautiful thing.
I pretend Black Laz doesn't exist,
but every so often he posts and shatters the illusion.
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