What was in the notes section, anything interesting?
She has the number to Rite Aid saved but she's never heard of Walmart?
imagine being friends with her and then seeing youre not one of the million names in her phonebook? oh the heartache
i have had strangers calling me all day. thanks for nothing, paris!!
Pauly Shore's number! SWEET!!!
i want to hang with this guy! Quote:Party guy
heres one laz might need some day Quote:Shapiro, Robert
He doesn't like the white meat, no need for a high priced mouth piece.
Quote:Call gary shandlin get tape of everything
Quote:Get birth control kill pill
I'm kind of shocked she doesn't have these stockpiled in a huge warehouse somewhere considering all the semen and everything.
But then again, she's an idiot.
I can finally call Fred Durst and tell him how talented i think he is
Quote:Levine, Adam
Don't tell me she banged that guy from maroon 5? That guy gets more ass than a toilet seat
Quote:Roddick, Andy
Him too? He's reaching Wilt status
Edited By faceman802 on 1108946241
I saw these this morning, but all the original links and mirrors were being removed quickly. I wasn't sure if it was wise to start the topic.
By now all the numbers are changed or the phones turned off.
She has the number for EG Daily in her phonebook.
So did anyone really call any of these numbers ?
Why would anyone keep naked pictures of themself on thier PDA?
TheGMANN Wrote:So did anyone really call any of these numbers ?
I called Victoria Gotti.
Her voicemail was full :[