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how would you know?
Wackbagkid stalks Suzie
thats not true. if i were ever going to stalk a girl, she would have to be attractive.
I don't think I've ever seen her picture. I thought she was Scarlet Johannson
im sure someone will dig up a picture of her.
I think you are just mean and hate girls because you can't get anything except your mom's friends.
isnt suzie jewish? i dont like jewish girls, only blonde haired italian girls.
I am attractive though no longer blond. My dad was born in Rome, does that make me Italian?
Far right

recent pic in my profile
Jesus Suzie.

No one wants to see you in a formal gown.

Show some tits and pussy for Christ's sake!
I second Buttmunch's idea. Actually if you don't find Suzie to be bangin, then you would have to admit you are gay.
senior citizens find you attractive, thats good!
That must be why I'm dating a guy 10 years older than me.
Since WBK keeps rejecting me, I'll just have to take what I can get. DARN
aww im sorry.
That guy must have the good shit.
i am gay
no way!!! next you'll try to convince me JFK Jr's not a good pilot.
yeah i guess im gay also.
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