Full Version: My wing... - quite sexy
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No, it's EDGY!
Keyser Soze Wrote:you should use the boxes to protect yourself from the jocks that beat you up in high school
oh no one starts shit with us. chris looks like he'll set you on fire, and i...well i dont one's ever really started shit with me. maybe its cause im 125lbs of pure muscle and rage.
kids these days
dont mock us cause we are ricers
weve done that before too in his brothers grand prix. it was amusing
lonely dateless losers
QuickStop Wrote:dont mock us cause we are ricers
don't worry, i'm sure there are other reasons.
Galt Wrote:cooler than you
i liked the little dedication at the end
this would be slightly funny if it was still 2001 and ricing/making fun of ricers was still comical
everytime i see a mustang with a wing its funny again
I will admit, I used to have a spoiler on a car. It wasn't even close to a wing, but it was a spoiler
This might be the saddest thread that I've ever seen. Either that or I am just too old and I don't get it.
the latter
True story...

Some asshole with a giant wing on his car blew up his motor in front of me today. A huge cloud spewed forth as he pulled it off to the side, liquids leaking everywhere. Too bad the car didn't burst into flames.
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