Full Version: My wing... - quite sexy
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stick to gay sex.
I don't understand nor care. Wrap that car around a tele-poll than we can talk about how edgy I am in laughing at your misfortune.
that would be very edgy. oooooooooh!
This is what happens when youths don't drink and drug.
will you be visiting your boyfriend at college?
that shit is hot and you all is frontin cause you ain't down wit my lover.

Edited By QuickStop on 1110048540
i agree its mad hot!
i like the mercury kit you put on that car also.
91 topaz bitches
I don't know what's gayer.... having sex with a man, or taping boxes to my Topaz
They are both equally gay.
I bet that'll hold up well in the rain, too.
you should use the boxes to protect yourself from the jocks that beat you up in high school
i will protect him from those jocks in college!!!!!
jesus christ, this is college age behavior?
sad, isnt it?
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