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From sting:
Anyone complaining about the show, feel free to go do it at another board. Does that mean you cant have a differing opinion? NO
anyone who complains for the sole purpose of getting attention will be banned.. ZERO TOLERANCE
It's time to get rid of the very few tools that are on this board
I'm sorry the rest of you had to read this.
I thought you were already banned.
banning is just a minor annoyance
that post really doesn't make much sense.
Is he banning all negative comments about the show? If so, then why qualify the statement with motivation behind the negative comments.
And how does he possibly know whether someone is posting for attention or not? And what if the reason wasn't "solely" for attention. What if you wanted attention, but also thought something negative about the show. If the post wasn't solely for attention, you won't get banned?
And if you can't share your opinion, then it's not OK to have a different opinion, right? If it was, then you could share it.
What's the catalyst? I thought everyone loved the show on XM now.
Those things they do.
I love them all very, very much.
Keyser Soze Wrote:banning is just a minor annoyance
so when you get banned on wackbag, do you go through the same set of screen names you went through for oa.com, or do you come up with new ones? i miss cranky ass, fat ass orson wells, and the rest of the crew
That board still exists? Destroying messagboards is a lost art.
dont you think it's time you took it down?
dig doesn't have the magic anymore
i'm banned there. they know better
(AP) New York: Wackbag destroys DIG.
I never thought I'd see the day...
i dont post there, i just lurk and read the unintentionally funny posts.