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Laz gained weight.
yes but not that much
I too would like to know the time we should be there. I cannot be fashionably late without knowing exactly what time you want us there.
I'll be there in 10 minutes!
You lie!

You're still here.
I was hoping to make them nervous.

Alas, I was foiled by their patent indifference.
Between 8 and 9 I guess...
I shall time my stromboli baking accordingly.
Oh.... I guess I'll be fashionably on time then.
What time are the police arriving?
[Image: 6spades.jpg]
Thanks for a fun time, Pat and Arelis. Sorry I didn't play another game, but it was getting late and I didn't want to commit to another few hours play. If you arrange any more poker get-togethers, then I'll definitely be there. Regretfully, I didn't leave with any means of getting in touch with Melissa again, but I did leave with Sleeper!

[Image: stromboli_small.jpg]
How much money did Alkey lose ? Who was the big winner ?
I won the 1st tourney, alkey won the 2nd
Where's the orgy pics?
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