Full Version: If anyone's interested...
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I bet her diddle finger remembers my name.
That's the lamest thing you've ever written.
The Galt I know would've ripped me to shreds.

I'm flattered.
Not even close
So who's going ?

The only positive I see attending is THE Sleeper will be there
since it is in NJ and one of my days off i will be there
It'll be all of us and all of my real friends!
ok no drugs because sil's kids are coming to the party.
no drugs?! im not going!
IrishAlkey Wrote:It'll be all of us and all of my real friends!
sounds like it will be like an amateur production of Oliver twist
Quote:ok no drugs because sil's kids are coming to the party.

They'll be serving drinks and running the coatcheck.
Good-bye wallet, keys, car stereos, wheels...
oooh, I come back in time for a good old-fashioned board gathering, my fave! After just learning silera's pregs, can't wait to finally feel thinner than her [Image: pinkwink.gif]
anybody driving from NYC?
unfortunately, no, i dont think anyone is.
are you the artist formerly known as WBK?
Will someone pick me up at the airport if I fly in for this shindig?
If you fly in for this then i'll pick you up if only to punch you in the face for flying in for this.
I just found out the airport will be closed that day, nevermind.
I'm an idiot
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