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A couple of other thing that I forgot to cover here. Went through a huge ordeal in the Spring of 03 fighting a huge downsizing effort with the company I was working for. Fought hard to keep several folks jobs in place. It started to become obvious they were making me the bad guy and eventually they would eliminate my job. They finally did in June 03. Went through a nasty fight over severance and I finally settled with a 18 month package.

Moved back to Wisconsin in July of last year. One of my goals is to retire on a lake in Wisconsin's pristine Northwoods. Currently doing some political consulting and working for an Indian Tribe as their MIS Director. Kind of neat a mix between sovereign nation government and casino operations. Something new for me.

And Goat, don't get discouraged over Trish's comment about having so much cock that it's coming out of her ears. Remember, they can never get enough. Keep trying to charm her or at the very least stock up on some vodka.
Quote:i've got dick coming out my ears
I'm not sure about this but I think you might wanna go get that looked at.

I've been sick all week. Takin Tests and doin HW. All the profs think it's a good idea to give tests the week before Spring Break. Bastards. It's all good cause there will be pleanty of drunkeness to make up for it starting on Saturday night for my Bday and subsequently Spring Break.
Congrats on the baby Goat! I'm too lazy to search, have pics?

I have been buried with tax season work. Moved to a fancy high rise in Battery Park City which I LOVE. There's an amazing gym right in my complex, pool, hot tub, sauna, all the high class amenities. I'm there almost every day.

Rarely go to the movies but I did see Lemony SNickett because I love the books. Currently reading a Kellerman murder mystery when I'm not studying for my Series 65.

Seeing lots of live music, mostly jambands like Widespread Panic next month, also Black Crowes next week.
I'm pissed that we bought that movie now.

I actually value both your opinions.
MY company is actually in a downward spiral. My group actually is treading water or making a small profit...mainly b/c i was brought in to bring design and page layout in-house (we do it middleman to pay for) and thats saved us a lot of cash. But the other groups are losing money fast, including the big kahuna of our group...which for the past 50 years was the bread and butter of the company. After a merger, morale is awful, money is wasted, management is a mess..and they only spin more out of control. I'd say this company has 5 or 6 years left to it before it goes belly-up, unless economics suddenly change or we discover buried treasure under the mounds of red tape. I'm lucky that my floor and group is seperate from this, but we are only a smaller division, and we will be pulled down by the whale eventually.
I took a massive pay cut to get out of sales and have a much better long term career path.

I still sit at home and do nothing.
Once a company starts the death spiral it is next to impossible to stop it. Morale tanks, employees are no longer motivated to make a difference. My last employer enjoyed years of providing superior industry standard IT outsourcing. We used to be empowered with a simple but seldom used philosophy of "do what ever it takes" to satisfy a customer. After an acquisition, former IBM managers came in at top levels and took the position that quality has a price. If a client wants quality, they need to pay for it. The business began to tank almost overnight. Gooch, be prepared for endless restructuring and reorganizations along with downsizing, pay freezes and benefit cuts.
you're better off with it ruined
Go watch Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas over and over again. Better flick.

As for work....we shall see. I hope to be out of here in a year, once i have another year of management under my belt. I like my position, but not the company direction. I don't see them turning the corner anytime soon with current middle-management glut and laziness prevelant. There is always a chance our division gets sold or spun into a smaller seperate entity, not connected to the main company...but those will be donny darko days, if so. and not the kind of situation i want.
i lasted about a half hour watching that movie. i dont think you are missing much.

at least i left that on longer than anchorman.
Anchorman was one of the most disappointing movies I have watched of late. Well that and Sexual Her-ass-ment. I hate porn movies with a plot that keeps harping on the same issue over and over.
Anchorman was hysterical
they lost us at "afternoon delight"
Elf > Anchorman
I love lamp! I love lamp!
happy st patties

tonight, i won't even hit the overcrowded bar. I will smoke a Padron, and drink a beer on my stoop instead. At least it's above 30 degrees.
Gooch Wrote:I love lamp! I love lamp!
steve carell is always funny & even my love for him couldn't save that movie.
i turned off anchorman to go to sleep a while ago and have no urge to watch the rest of it
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