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Terri's behavior does not meet the medical or statutory definition of persistent vegetative state. Terri responds to stimuli, tries to communicate verbally, follows limited commands, laughs or cries in interaction with loved ones, physically distances herself from irritating or painful stimulation and watches loved ones as they move around her. None of these behaviors are simple reflexes and are, instead, voluntary and cognitive. Though Terri has limitations, she does interact purposefully with her environment.

Dr. Victor Gambone testified that he visits Terri 3 times a year. His visits last for approximately 10 minutes. He also testified, after viewing the court videotapes at Terri's recent trial, that he was surprised to see Terri's level of awareness. This doctor is part of a team hand-picked by her husband, Michael Schiavo, shortly before he filed to have Terri's feeding removed. Contrary to Schiavo's team, 14 independent medical professionals (6 of them neurologists) have given either statements or testimony that Terri is NOT in a Persistent Vegetative State. Additionally, there has never been any medical dispute of Terri's ability to swallow. Even with this compelling evidence, Terri's husband, Michael Schiavo, has denied any form of therapy for her for over 10 years. Terri has illegally been denied rehabilitation - as many nurses have sworn in affidavits.

Dr. Melvin Greer, appointed by Schiavo, testified that a doctor need not examine a patient to know the appropriate medical treatment. He spent approximately 45 minutes with Terri. Dr. Peter Bambakidis, appointed by Judge Greer, spent approximately 30 minutes with Terri. Dr. Ronald Cranford, also appointed by Schiavo and who has publicly labeled himself "Dr. Death", spent less than 45 minutes examining and interacting with Terri.
It sure sounds like they treat her as an inconvenience rather than a person and it's hard to believe this has gone on for ten years. I can see why the husband may be exhausted with the situation however we must deal with the hand we have been dealt in this life. It's not always easy to do but to ignoring her has not helped her or the situation at all.
my take:
i think that if i (as in my body as a whole) can digest nutrients and produce waste (even if that means using a machine as a liver or something) i am still alive, and i would like to be kept alive as long as possible. i have no idea how aware i actually will be or if i can hear anything. throw headphones over my ears while i lay there and play me some music, in the slight possiblity that i'll be able to hear it.
how much is it actually hurting her to be kept alive? we have all these retarded tests that are supposedly used to tell if fish or plants can feel pain while we eat or pick them, yet we can't even remotely tell if she's feeling any pain? if her brain is as mush as people make it seem then she probably doesn't know what is even going on. how does this affect anyone else? with all the wasted money used in the medical industry, just keep her alive. hell lets take it a step further and see how long we can keep her alive. maybe we'll actually discover something out of all this about how the body break downs, or what can be done to keep body parts functioning longer. hook a computer up to her and try to make her a cyborg. so many possiblities.
they'll probrobly spend more money keeping scott peterson alive on death row.
Quote:What about a premature baby or a stroke patient that has their mind but not their body. Should we just sit there and watch them die without lifting a finger?

You guys are right. It is Arpi.

Look I personally have no problem with keeping this tomato alive by artificial means until the end of mankind. I look at it on a much simpler basis than what most do and that is the law. Legally, her husband went to the courts and asked that her tube be removed. That is his choice based on a whole shitload of reasons we will never know. He has that right and to this point the courts have agreed. The parents have their rights and to this point the court has disagreed with their argument based on law. Everything else is a sideshow and smokescreens. My only wish is that the process ends and that the law is upheld. After that my heart goes out to both the husband and the parents. And to everyone else with their separate agendas, I wish them nothing more than a speedy feeding tube insertion up their ass.
OAS Wrote:
Quote:What about a premature baby or a stroke patient that has their mind but not their body. Should we just sit there and watch them die without lifting a finger?

You guys are right. It is Arpi.

Look I personally have no problem with keeping this tomato alive by artificial means until the end of mankind. I look at it on a much simpler basis than what most do and that is the law. Legally, her husband went to the courts and asked that her tube be removed. That is his choice based on a whole shitload of reasons we will never know. He has that right and to this point the courts have agreed. The parents have their rights and to this point the court has disagreed with their argument based on law. Everything else is a sideshow and smokescreens. My only wish is that the process ends and that the law is upheld. After that my heart goes out to both the husband and the parents. And to everyone else with their separate agendas, I wish them nothing more than a speedy feeding tube insertion up their ass.
huh? Who is arpi?

But keeping on topic, who is to say if the husband is right and the parents are wrong. Or visa versa? It's a very personal subject that has gotten way out of control.

And like Keyser said, "they'll probrobly spend more money keeping scott peterson alive on death row."

Our system is so screwed up!!
we all know how effective our court systems are, thanks for repeating what we already know OAS.

forget the courts, forget the politics, try for once in your life to view this person with fresh eyes and remove all the agendas.
Keyser Soze Wrote:we all know how effective our court systems are, thanks for repeating what we already know OAS.

forget the courts, forget the politics, try for once in your life to view this person with fresh eyes and remove all the agendas.
Yes and to think that they are currently starving her to death.
That's just insane.
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