Full Version: Rocky racoon checked into his room only to find...
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Pages: 1 2
So you mean that God is a black pitbull??
OK, I have a question. When you take communion, the wafer is the body of Christ. Since Christ was a man, part of the body is the penis. When you eat the wafer, part of it is Christ's penis. The question: Does that make you gay?
The Painter Wrote:OK, I have a question. When you take communion, the wafer is the body of Christ. Since Christ was a man, part of the body is the penis. When you eat the wafer, part of it is Christ's penis. The question: Does that make you gay?
Invest in a mask for work, The fumes are getting to ya. Big Grin
how cool would it be if the pope died today on Easter Sunday?
Pages: 1 2