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oh, right - my bad.

tell her to dig quietly then.
hey, i live near astoria. call me next time they are giving out blow jobs on the house
so you can wuss out on it? sure thing.
when have i ever wussed out on anything?
you callin' Sleeper a wuss??? that's fucked up!
sorry theres no locks on the bathroom doors
that was tricia wussing out
what a fuckin hosebag
oh I swear i'll suck your cock just show up... oh man don't fuckin test me i'll fuckin do it!!!

fuckin cock tease
because everything i've ever said in my life has been absolutely sincere and never sarcastic...

and i live on diet mountain dew, it's second only to arizona pomegranate green tea
TheGMANN Wrote:There are prostitutes in Queens ?
hang out around the 59th street bridge. you can see them walking around at night.
yeah, there used to be a couple of sleazy motels right around there, i remember seeing something on the news about a bust, but i'm sure they're still around.
Isn't burying your pet in your back yard illegal in NY?
I leave for a couple minutes and the borefest crew swoops in.
did you expect any less?
that was any less.
I buried my first wife in the back yard.
I stand corrected, there was something less worthy to be expected.
you should be so lucky to suck the great sleepers cock.
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