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.....Danked finally figures out where i live, keeps it to himself, and comes over to help me finish building my deck on Wednesday.
Danked is otherwise occupied, go hire a carpenter you cheap heeb.
jesus was a carpenter. you fucking heretic!
and what a carpenter he was! he ran off to the desert and then came back claiming he was the Messiah!

The lesson is, do what Jesus would have done and just get a Mexican so that you don't need to do any work. Then you can focus your efforts on finding new ways to take over the world.
yeah, plus i hear he was really into nails
Geez... just drive 2 minutes down Springfield Ave and pick up one of the mexicans drinking Coronas on the sidewalk there.

I know they're there right now because I usually have to clean up all the trash when I go into work on Mondays.
none of them have your sweet ass
that's not true.. ive seen several mexicans model their own asses after Danked's. you should really check out mtv's "i want a famous face" sometime
and thread over.