Full Version: How many black people do you say hi to everyday?
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There's a black guy in one of my classes, he was wearing a pink shirt last night......

so no.,
hi, fat girl!
OMGZ ur lek so clevar!
how's my lil, fat girl? My little fatty watty watty...
Fine, yourself?
When I do see black people, it's usually daytime.
i usually wave or say hi to them when they yell at me on my street. and at work too. but then i probably talk to more people in a night than most of you do in a month. there's this one homless guy who's trying to get a job as a dishwasher so he can save all his money to buy me an engagement ring,
whats a "black people"?
The town I live in has one black guy who is shacking up with some big fat white woman. I never ran into him so I have never said hello. I work with Indians so no darkies at work either. I say hello to redskins all day. Does that count?
I'm talking to one right now, he's telling me why black jamaicans hate black americans and why all reggae music doesn't sound the same.
Everyone already knows why black jamaincans hate black americans.

cause they're fucking lazy niggers who give all other blacks a bad rap
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