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depends on if you're paying for dinner
probably not.
fuck yourself then, jew!
WHOA - I'm no jew - TAKE THAT BACK!!!
sure you're not goatweedsteinjewguy
I've got the foreskin to prove it!
that's so fuckin dirty.
I keep it very clean. Showering helps.
You've gone down a notch or two but your wife gets a bump for having to endure even more hardship.
it all evens out in the end.
i'll pay for dinner. if i can get a look at the foreskin, i've really never seen one closeup before.
you don't need to pay for dinner to see that Smile
are you really uncut? Does it leak? My one experience with that was disgusting.
like that was the only leaky penis you ever had a run in with.
Every penis she runs into leaks.
So, does your foreskin leak as well?
1) I have no foreskin;

2) I have never fucked Suzie;

3) Girls have cooties.
So you're saying that suzie has aids and al bundy has a leaky foreskin.
So mr Buttmunch, when did you officially join
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