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"what is this new band the kids are listening to, i haven't bought a cd since the 80s!"
"Every male/female relationship in pre-Godfather movies resulted in rape. My favorite movie is Fight club!"
"Did I tell you about that one time I was in a bar and the band covered the Geto Boys and I was totally hip and knew what the song was?!"
"___ was no Sleeper/Galt comedy troupe!"
"Sleeper is the best poster ever!"
"remember that one time Sleeper refused to share a cab with me?"
"this totally plausible video is fake!"
blah blah blah, boy
The Sleeper Wrote:1. "what is this new band the kids are listening to, i haven't bought a cd since the 80s! [late 90s]"
2. "Every male/female relationship in pre-Godfather [pre 1960s] movies resulted in rape. My favorite movie is Fight club! [Braveheart]"
3. "Did I tell you about that one time I was in a bar and the band covered the Geto Boys and I was totally hip and knew what the song was?!"
4. "___ was no Sleeper/Galt comedy troupe!"
5. "Sleeper is the best poster ever!"
times posted (approx)

1. 5
2. 3
3. 2
4. 1
5. 0
I'd up the number of usage on numbers 2 and 4.
you've definitely posted the geto boys story at least 3 times
"Derek Jeter is the most overrated piece of crap to ever play shortstop."
"tom brady fucks lots of hot chicks"
(a blast from the past) "Shea Hillenbrand is god"
Youre so much funnier w/ a keyboard in front of you than in real life.
I've never said that one.
Did you just get cock blocked by bob saget?