Full Version: Hurricane Sleeper - is coming
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Here comes the story of the hurricane,
The man the authorities came to blame
For somethin’ that he never done.
Put in a prison cell, but one time he could-a been
The champion of the world. least the hurricane will get something wet.
that bitch better not fuck up jorge's flight home sunday
dennis is no bitch
It will change course many times, once after every new forecast, and try to showcase its ability to disobey the rules and not follow the other crowd of hurricanes.
And hover above toilets
and get espnhd
And when he's done, he'll drop back down to Tropical Depression Dennis
and then he will eat milano cookies at 4:45 AM
whatever you gotta do to overcome the depression
espnhd is pretty sweet
yes it is
i wanna eat milano cookies. the orange ones are the best
hurricane sleeper destroyed a message board a couple of years back. it was pretty devestating. they're still cleaning up the mess.
the double choc milano's are my favs
I think I connected my HDTV wrong because I can't tell a difference between regular TV and HD. The only difference is the HD channels have the black bars on the top and bottom.
yea, its hard to follow those color coded wires...
[Image: post-13-44803-IMG_0112.jpg]

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