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Sluggo Wrote:Dock...Don't be silly...
Maynard NEVER C-Blocks...NEVER...
I hate you.
Silera mentioned the jean seam. That always does it for me too, but that's not really masterbating. If we're talking about what I can do to cum, I don't have the time to list them all, or the space. My favorite is holding my pee til the absolute last minute, then i O when I pee.
Quote:Excuse me while I find an absorbant surface

(insert 'ewww' now)

no ewwwww...i think its sexy actually Wink
Quote:My favorite is holding my pee til the absolute last minute, then i O when I pee.

What kind of fucking monster are you !?!?
i sleep with my arm under the pillow so when i wake up the arm is numb and feels like a strangers hand on my love pump.
Keyser Soze Wrote:i sleep with my arm under the pillow so when i wake up the arm is numb and feels like a strangers hand on my love pump.
Why would you want some strange GUY jerking your Junk?
What, you've never pulled your pud with your left instead of your right...that whole 'other person' thing is so hot, but it takes FOR-EV-ER

Edited By Doc on Mar. 31 2002 at 11:28
im not weird....NICE EDIT DEEK!

Edited By virgingrrl on Mar. 31 2002 at 11:29
My favorite is holding my pee til the absolute last minute, then i O when I pee.
What kind of fucking monster are you !?!?

A girl I used to date used to just sqeeze her legs together until she came. She would do it like 10 times a day when she was at her desk at work, and sometimes she'd just fuck with me and call me as she was doing it without telling me.<font color=white>

Edited By Galt on Mar. 31 2002 at 11:31
Doc Wrote:What, you've never pulled your pud with your left instead of your right...that whole 'other person' thing is so hot, but it takes FOR-EV-ER
My left arm doesn't work in that motion. So when I try and spank it with my left arm, I end up looking like a girl throwing a football. All awkward and shit.
I barely get a hard-on during a blow-job, and you girls get the big O from your own PANTS SEAM? I now truly believe God Is a woman, or Is at least a self-hating homosexual.
Yeah.....multiple O's rule! :bouncer:
Quote:I now truly believe God Is a woman, or Is at least a self-hating homosexual.

You've been alive this long and haven't come to this conclusion yet? You parents must have sheltered you

Quote:im not weird....NICE EDIT DEEK!

Edited by virgingrrl on Mar. 31 2002,11:29

My uber-edit wins again
Sluggo, I put on press on nails the night before as well to complete the illusion.
Keyser Soze Wrote:Sluggo, I put on press on nails the night before as well to complete the illusion.
I gotta try that...Thanks man.
Usually my fingers...but sometimes I use
[Image: salami.jpg]
So you're average black guy is like a hotdog down a hallway, sucks to be you
Sephiroth Wrote:
Quote:My favorite is holding my pee til the absolute last minute, then i O when I pee.

What kind of fucking monster are you !?!?
Isn't monster supposed to be a negative thing? I would in no way think of my Os as a negative thing. And I'm not the only one who can do it, Silera can too.
I don't masturbate.
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