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For some odd reason lately I've just been wanting to watch episode of Law and Order. Doesn't matter which episode, which cast or even which series but i've just really been into watching this show ltely when it's on a repeat or something.

The same thing happens with me with MST3K.

Anyway, does anyone else have strange shows that they just like to watch over and over again?
I'm obsessed with Law and Order too...NYPD Blue, and for some reason the Real World.
I have every single episode of Law and Order on tape.

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>SO LONELY.....</span>
omg, i love law and order!! weds is my favorite tv night cuz it's on a&e at 7, then on tnt at from 8-10, nbc at 10, and a&e again at 11!!!
I just started watching the law and order fridays at 10 pm again. I think that's the best one.But i always watch the re- runs of NYPD blue on court t.v. The new ones just aren't the same as the old ones.

Edited By PatCooper on Mar. 31 2002 at 7:15
Behind The Music or Inside The Actors Studio, i could watch marathons of either.
Quote:omg, i love law and order!! weds is my favorite tv night cuz it's on a&e at 7, then on tnt at from 8-10, nbc at 10, and a&e again at 11!!!

Ditto :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
Um... I've never seen Law & Order.
I'm also strangely obessed with Jerry Springer.
this is why I love A&E.. Law and Order on like 4 times a day!!
I was just looking at the IMDB, not one person from the original show is still in the cast. So the question is, who are your favorite cast members? There should be 3 from each side, Order-1 Capt.,Lieutenant, two detectives. Law- One DA and two ADA's.


Captain Donald Cragen - Dann Florek
Detective Lenny Briscoe - Jerry Orbach
Detective Mike Logan - Chris Noth


DA Adam Schiff - Steven Hill , I don't like Dianne Wiestfor two reasons: 1) Who's going to believe that a woman holds a postion of power, 2) Why the fuck does she have two N's in her name.
ADA Jack McCoy - Sam Waterston
ADA Claire Kincaid - Jill Hennessy, this one was tough, between Claire and Robinette. I chose Claire because she looked really good in those tight jeans and leather jacket that she was wearing right before she got run over and who's going to believe that a black guy stayed in school long enought to become an attorney.
i think that jerry orbach is longist running cast member today on the show. but i think that diane, not sure what her real name is, but she came after jill hennesey was the bast chick ada. mccoy is the best male ada. and steven hill by far was the best da.