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"daddy, what's a mcspic?"
IrishAlkey Wrote:He will not know of the internet.
So where'd you meet her son?

Take a wild guess.
Congrats Pat - make sure you sign up @,,, etc - they send shitloads of coupons.
i'm very upset that i didn't get that invite to the shower!
he lost his phone
thats what i heard
I don't have vagina pictures!
Goatweed Wrote:Congrats Pat - make sure you sign up @,,, etc - they send shitloads of coupons.
daddy helpers .com how cute

but really yay guys. i'll babysit, i can do it for small increments of time i swear congrats !!!
Can I babysit too?
When he grows up his screen name should be STARCHILD.
Congratulations, Arelis and Pat.
Congratulations, Pat. You got your pussy back.

Now don't fuck up again
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