Full Version: So say something already...
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I want to light a schmekel

<table style=filter:glow(color=red)>Burn Bitch!!!</table>
You know damn well what you've done.
danked has lost his mind.
I'll cut off your weed supply if you don't answer me!!!!
Who do you think you are?
I will not be ignored.
Anyone else wanna really hurt danked right now?
I wanna beat Danked to death with his own arms.
Nevermind. I found it.
did danked believe the rumour that you need over a thousand posts to be a mod?
It's mine now punk.
Thanks for the help, guys.
Danked Wrote:Nevermind. I found it.
the lighter?

what do i win? :bouncer:
crx girl Wrote:what do i win? :bouncer:
A book of matches.
<span style='font-family:tahoma'><table style=filter:glow(color=green)><span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>Something</span></table></span> Big Grin
Hey guys? What's up?
Danked Wrote:Hey guys? What's up?
the cieling? the sky?

What's going on, Danked?
not much
<div align="center">
Say Something - james
You're as tight as a hunter's trap
Hidden well, what are you concealing
Poker face, carved in stone
Amongst friends, but all alone
Why do you hide

Say something, say something, anything
I've shown you everything
Give me a sign
Say something, say something, anything
Your silence is deafening
Pay me in kind

Take a drug to set you free
Strange fruit from a forbidden tree
You've got to come down soon
More than a drug is what I need
Need a change of scenery
Need a new life

Say something, say something anything
I've shown you everything
Give me a sign
Say something, say something, anything
Your silence is deafening
Pay me in kind

Say something

I'm open wide, open wondering
Have you swallowed everything
Pay me in kind


Edited By crx girl on Mar. 31 2002 at 4:01
Pages: 1 2 3 4