Full Version: So say something already...
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office space just started on comedy central and i was like weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Big Grin
What does that have to do with anything?
what does any of the rest of this have to do with anything? Rolleyes
Has anyone seen my wallet?
what is the emoticon for kicking danked in the nuts?
Shit. They were in the pants I had on last night.
Quote:what is the emoticon for kicking danked in the nuts?

Edited By GonzoStyle on Mar. 31 2002 at 4:20
Luna gets the "most intelligent version to make danked feel like teh second rate funny" award.
Hey. You dropped something.
Fix it!
bad luna Confusedpits:
uh oh! :o
I got your back.
ooh, it's 4:20 :fuggin:
did i kill it? :confused:
No. I was busy.
is that supposed to be some kind of excuse?
Now you killed it.
Quote:No. I was busy.
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